
This strange website is the work of Kate Barnes.  I’ve been  a game designer, web master, teacher, stage manager, project manager, manager of online learning, journalist and grant writer. Whatever else I may be, I’ve always been a geek of many flavors.

Kate Barnes is also an award-winning writer who finds it difficult to write in the third person about herself. Her interests, which, not coincidentally, are also her writing topics, include the state of Colorado, zombies, television, cemeteries, and making things. Convenient to the first topic, the state of Colorado, especially its people, history and cemeteries, is that it happens to be where she was born, and where she lives and works.

Kate creates unique events for kids and adults. Her goal is to help others live a life less ordinary.  Check out her latest product, called “Story Kits.”

You might’ve also noticed that Kate is also the lunatic behind the weekly self-syndicated column “Flying Solo,” and if you want to know more about how you can include that wonderful work in your publication, here’s how you get on the list.

She is taller in real life.

Kate’s other website is http://www.colorado-cemeteries.com