Word of the Day: diriment

It’s Friday, which means the weekend is here. I am feeling grateful, and am hoping that I’ll be able to get enough done this weekend to make next week go by smoothly. Have a great weekend everyone. 
Today’s Word:
As in:
Last week, an infant with a rare skin disorder received a skin transplant made from bio-engineered skin. The skin is manufactured by a firm in Massachusetts and is comprised of cells from infant foreskins, removed after circumcision, and bovine collagen.
The derivation of the bio-engineered skin came as a surprise to many, as many were at a lost to explain exactly how the firm came to think that these particular products of infants could be useful. Many people asked have been asking themselves the question: “Why would anyone want to keep that stuff?”
Of course, many researchers in the medical profession have hidden documentation which proves that infants are truly magical beings, and that all products associated with their births and the first six months of their lives are too
valuable to be wasted. Many are familiar with the potential benefits associated  with umbilical cord blood and placental material, however, it is not well known that all biological waste products of infants are meticulously collected and hoarded by bio-engineering firms and pharmaceutical giants in hopes of finding “miracle” cures to the world’s diseases.
Several of these firms have founded “diaper services” for the sole purpose of gaining access to precious infant waste. Others collect products from hospital NICUs, where even the smallest drop of perspiration is gathered.
Several people, including a large group of individuals which had, at one time, supported these methods for their possible impact in medicine, now feel that the “unpleasantness” has a diriment effect, and thus outweighs any possible profit to be gained in the development of bio-engineered cures.
diriment: / DIR – eh – ment / adj. making absolutely void; nullifying.