Word of the Day: mome

I’m very, very glad that tomorrow is Friday. I’m on the home stretch of having some actual time to get myself more organized and focused on producing the high quality stories that my readers so richly deserve. I’m not sure *why* you deserve them, but, I’m sure it’s true, and it sure sounds good, doesn’t it? If you have ideas about that, go ahead and drop me a comment.  While you’re pondering whether or not to leave me something more than a comment, I’ll leave you to read…

Today’s Word:


As in:

Jefferson Heights Middle School today honored its “Student of the Year” in a special ceremony for students, parents and faculty. This year’s honoree, Mitchell Hollingsworth, was chosen for his outstanding academic performance, citizenship, and first place project in the school’s science fair. His project, entitled “Building Better Communities,” was chosen to compete at the national science fair, and is attracting the notice of city planners across the nation.

One of the city planners, Pauline Wilkins, of Cleveland noted that Hollingsworth’s project is “extremely advanced for a student. It shows a level of familiarity with contemporary city planning that would be the envy of many professionals currently working in this field. His work on disaster preparedness is more detailed than the plans currently operating in many U.S. cities.”

Surprisingly, Hollingsworth attributes his success to video games.

“Video games don’t just teach kids violence, marksmanship, and bomb making. I learned about disaster preparedness from a really cool simulator game about hurricanes. I picked up lessons in economics from Star Wars Galaxies, and I learn lots of puzzle solving skills and new words. I also learned how to play with this really annoying guy who always starts flame wars in chat. He’s just a mome, and I ignore him now.”

Hollingsworth wants his classmates to know that not everyone who plays video games is a potential killer and threat to school safety, “Those guys just ruin it for the rest of us, who aren’t killers.”

Based upon the remarkable results video games have had in not only Hollinsworth’s but other student’s lives, several schools are considering abandoning their traditional curriculum for an all video game approach. Students will take DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) for Physical Education, History will be taught with Oregon Trail, and Social Studies will be taught using the various SimCity titles.

“Students often complain the their classes are boring, and this proposal will take edutainment to a whole new level,” noted school principal Paul Reynolds.

Perhaps anticipating this shift, several game manufacturers are creating games designed to teach the material covered in standardized tests required at various schools, thus ensuring that all students are not only engaged in the curriculum, but will still meet the criteria set forth by the “No Child Left Behind” legislation.

I’m not so certain this story is fiction. Maybe it’s funny ‘cause it’s true.

mome / MOEM / Rhymes with gnome. A stupid, boring person.