Welcome to Slayerfest 2007!

Section 1: Event Duration

In the past, the day time events haven't been all that well attended. Originally, I'd expected people might crash at my place, when the viewers become exhausted and can't stay awake. I also expected that people who hadn't crashed for the night could start showing up about 9ish on the following mornings. And, while I had awesome houseguests last year, we didn't really start much until like 11:00.

Generally, people start wandering back about 11:00ish, at the earliest, but, more likely, people come in at 2:00ish

So, should that just be the plan? I'm not likely to do much marathoning all by myself, and, I'm all okay with not getting up early to prepare for people who aren't coming until later, anyway.

Stay the same, start Friday night, and go all the way through until Monday night
Nights only, starting about 1:00 in the afternoon each day
Friday through Sunday only
Saturday through Monday only
Section 2: Main Event Episodes

Should we continue the tradition of "Main Event" Episodes?


If the majority of people choose "No," I will plan on using the alternatives, listed below. In some cases, maybe combinations of the alternatives (i.e. Even I couldn't stand to do 10 hours of Buffy musical sing-a-long.) As another note, last year's main event episodes were "punted" on the fly in favor of continuing the marathon.

Alternatives to "Main Event" episodes (check as many as apply):
Ultimate Buffy Trivia (i.e. Trivia without the game, apart from the "normal" trivia)
DVD Special Features
Six Degrees of Buffy
Buffy Collectable Card Game
Buffy Mythos
Buffy Bootlegs Somehow I acquired a few years ago, a copy of the un-aired pilot, and also the dailies for a first season episode. (If you've never seen dailies before, or, are a just really into the production side of an episode, this might be of interest, otherwise, they can get a bit tedious.) I've also got some 3rd season cast promo interviews and candid behind-the-scenes footage that've not ever surfaced on DVDs. I also have the Chosen set, with its special extra DVD.
Other (please specify below)
Section 3: Main Event Episode Options

If we still do "Main Event" episodes, what should we see this year?

There are at least 10 episodes in each of the following categories:

*Worst* Buffy episodes?
*Worst* Angel episodes?
Holiday episodes
Buffy Dream Episodes
Buffy Apocalypse Episodes
Buffy Season Finales
Buffy vs. Hollywood Monsters (Mummy, Dracula, Puppet, aliens, wolfman, robots, zombies, etc.) This was the choice last year, and we never actually watched any of these.


These will possibly have to supplement/combine, as there are fewer than 10 episodes in each of these categories):

Xander Episodes (6)
Willow Episodes (6)
Episode 7's (7)(Often, the main arc for each season is kicked off in the 7th episode of each season)
Break-up episodes (7)
Faith Episodes (8-23)
Other (please specify)
Section 4: Marathon viewing

I was planning on continuing from last year, doing the "highlights" version. The problem here is that, we got through all but 19 of those. Unfortunately, we usually get thought about 30 episodes. We could pad it out:

Buffy/Angel food episodes? (To celebrate the Bronzer Cookbook)
Crossover episodes (see the Buffy/Angel crossovers)
Other (please specify)
Section 5: Mercy?
Okay, I'll stop now. Feel free to add any questions or comments.